Forget Password--Step 3-1 If you have completed the register or change of "Not-TKU Email and Mobile Number", after the verification by the validation steps stated here, the system will allow you to reset your password yourself. Please reset to a password that is more securer and is easier to remember. Or, if you have completed the setting procedure of 'Select Self-Hint Questions and Its Associated Answer', after the verification by the validation steps stated here, the system will reset your password to a "temporary password"; Using this temporary password, sign in again as soon as possible, and change it to an easier remembered and more securer password. If you have not completed the above setting procedures, you will need to apply for password reset in person at B212, Service Center, Office of Information Services, Tel. (02)2621-5656 Ext. 2468. And you will be offered a temporary password used to login next. Afterwards, change your password as soon as possible. Your Account: